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Meet Sarah Eustace – expert Paediatric Nurse at WaterWipes

Meet Sarah Eustace – expert General & Paediatric Nurse at WaterWipes®


From her early medical years in a Paediatric Nursing role at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital, to her experience at the renowned Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, Sarah Eustace has a passion for healthcare and quality nursing spanning more than a decade.

As such, she is ideally placed to know all about the challenges that healthcare professionals (HCPs) face, and the rewards such roles can bring.

Drawing on all of this expertise and experience, Sarah now puts her knowledge into practice as HCP Relationship Manager for Global Marketing and Media at WaterWipes – and is a key member of our team.

She plays an important role in continuously building a thriving WaterWipes community, by fostering holistic relationships with healthcare professionals, institutions and charities.

Find out all about her background, career and work here.

The road to becoming an expert

From a young age, Sarah always aspired to help others – working tirelessly in different medical, surgical, and anesthetic nursing roles to help deliver holistic care to sick children with life-limiting and chronic illnesses.

Her extensive paediatric nursing history kicked off at the University College Cork, where she earned a Bachelor of Science Honours in Childrens & General Nursing.

She then attended the London South Bank University to achieve expertise in caring for children and young people within a high dependency unit.

Here, she also gained experience in mentoring and enabling learning in the Practice setting of Paediatric Nurse/Nursing. If that weren’t already impressive enough, Sarah has achieved post graduate diplomas from the Marketing Institute Ireland, and the Technological University of Dublin in Marketing and Management, as well.

Sarah's qualifications

  • BSc Honours Children’s & General Nursing - University College Cork

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Management & Marketing Level 9 - Marketing Institute of Ireland/Technological University Ireland

  • Registered with the Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland

  • London Southbank University modules – Mentoring & Enabling Learning in the Practice Setting (Children’s Nursing), and Caring for Children & Young People within a High Dependency Unit

Sarah’s remarkable career – the story so far

Careerwise, Sarah has achieved both local and international experience in well-respected global institutions.

She kicked off her budding professional life as a nurse at the famous Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London, spending almost five years working there before moving to Australia to work at the prestigious Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.

Sarah also spent time working for several other hospitals in paediatric and neonatal settings, before returning home to Ireland to take up a position as a Clinical Nurse Educator at CHI Crumlin Children’s Hospital in Dublin.

When it comes to key things she’s learned in her career to date, Sarah believes the value of maintaining healthy skin stands out.

“Our skin is our largest organ and healthy skin is important to everyone,” she says. “People want to protect their own skin as well as their child’s skin, and we know that children are so vulnerable and delicate they need extra TLC.

“There are so many products to choose from, so it is important to equip people with the knowledge and expertise to protect their skin barrier and skin microbiome.”

Choosing the right products which are pure and gentle is vital to maintaining healthy skin.

Partnering with WaterWipes – and what makes it so special

In her role as HCP Relationship Manager at WaterWipes, Sarah engages with healthcare professionals on a daily basis to highlight the benefits that WaterWipes pure and gentle formulation provides for skin of all ages, including newborn babies.

She also helps drive brand awareness during HCP conferences, and further spearheads our events and activities.

“WaterWipes offers product sampling to HCPs who engage with parents and families,” says Sarah, “and we also sponsor a number of events and activities to increase brand awareness and encourage people to try our amazing product.

“Healthcare professionals understand the importance of protecting the skin barrier and particularly the delicate skin of babies and infants, and they play a vital role in advocating for WaterWipes to offer parents a product which is purer than cotton wool and water*, in the convenience of a baby wipe.”

Sarah’s Fun Fact

Sarah loves travelling around the world – and is always planning her next adventure!

Published works and presentations

CHI Crumlin Children’s Hospital in Dublin: paracetamol-administration-pre-operative-sdu-2023.pdf (

Social Presence

  1. LinkedIn:

* cooled boiled water.

Validated by Skin Health Alliance