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thoughtful father’s day gift ideas from baby & kids for dads and dads-to-be


Dads are brilliant – but they don’t always realize it, especially new dads. From attempting to juggle a day job with their new round-the-clock role as father to worrying about everything from dad baby bonding issues to whether they’re providing enough emotional support for mom, dads – like moms – spend the first few years of parenthood (and many, many beyond) constantly questioning themselves. Am I doing this right? Am I doing enough? What if I don’t trust my instincts?

Which is why Father’s Day is so important. It’s the perfect opportunity to say to the dad in your life: we know it can be tough, but from back rubs to trash duty or sharing the night feeds and generally just always being there, you’re doing an amazing job. And a present doesn’t have to cost a lot either. A handmade gift or thoughtful gesture will mean every bit as much as a more expensive item.

With the big day just around the corner, we’ve put together a few Father’s Day gift ideas. There are suggestions to suit little ones of all ages – from bump to kids. And they all have the same message in common: thank you Dad, you’re wonderful.

Father’s Day Gifts From Bump

Father's Day Gift Idea: Scan Photo In Frame

Your little one may not be here yet, but that doesn’t mean the father-to-be in your life isn’t already in dad mode, from doing the heavy lifting around the house to frantically reading every baby book he can get his hands on. A recent scan photo in a smart frame is a guaranteed smile generator and will show him how much you’re looking forward to starting your new adventure together.

“I’m not an emotional person but when I opened the scan photo of my little girl in a photo frame that had the message ‘Can’t Wait To Meet You’ on it, there were definite tears!” – Angus, dad to Millie, six months

Father’s Day Gifts From Baby

Father's Day Gift Idea: Thoughtful Coupon Offering Time Together/Time Out

New babies are amazing, but they can also be tiring. And when you’re sleep deprived, it’s sometimes easy to forget that you’re part of a team. Show the dad in your life how much you and baby love and appreciate him with a handmade gift coupon. It can be everything from a free pass to go to the bar for the night (when the country is back up and running again) to the promise of a family day out in the park together.

Father’s Day Gifts From Toddlers

Father's Day Gift Idea: Handmade Card Or Painting

Toddlers are busy by nature. Make the most of this by getting them to help with a handmade card or drawing. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece. A handprint on a piece of white card, with a scribble for a message will be treasured by doting dads as much as any Van Gogh painting.

“For my husband’s second Father’s Day, I gave my son a cheap canvas and let him loose on it with paints. The end result was just a blur of colors, really, but my husband loved it. In fact, it’s still up on our living room wall. He jokingly tells everyone it’s an early Jackson Pollock.” – Alison, mom to Tommy, 5

Father’s Day Gifts From Older Kids

Father's Day Gift Idea: Baked Goods Or Help With Chores

Bigger kids may well come up with some great Father’s Day gift ideas themselves, but if they need a prompt, you could suggest they make Dad breakfast in bed. They could also bake him a batch of his favorite cookies or promise to take some chores off his hands for the day. All simple gestures but they’ll mean the world.

Don’t Forget Father Figures

Lots of families have a father figure rather an actual dad, and they deserve every bit as much recognition – from granddads and uncles to male family friends. If this is your family, and you want to say thank you to someone special for stepping up, then any/all of the above suggestions would be deeply appreciated we’re sure.

“We’re a two-mom family, so on Father’s Day we make cards and cakes for Abby and Eleanor’s granddads. As male role models go, they’re amazing and give the girls so much of their time.” Debra and Claudia, moms to twins Abby and Eleanor, 3

If you found our father's day gift ideas from baby & kids helpful, then why not check out our crowdsourced gift guide for moms if you're looking to treat a special mom in your life. And you can find more ideas and inspiration in our Parenting Community hub, which is full of helpful hints and tips for all stages of the parenting journey.