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Winners 2023
Winner Announcement

WaterWipes® Announces 2023 Pure Foundation Fund Winners in North America & Canada


We are excited to announce this year’s healthcare heroes who have been awarded the Pure Foundation Fund are Danielle Mollung and Sebastian Ospina, who were each nominated by former patients for going above and beyond helping patients and families feel safe and cared for throughout their pregnancy, birth, or postnatal journey. Each received a Pure Foundation Fund plaque and $5,000 for their departments to continue to improve the care of parents and babies.

Danielle is a child life specialist at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Mass., and was nominated by a former patient, Jeannine O’Neil, for providing outstanding medical care and emotional support for families during challenging NICU stays. During Jeannine and her babies’ time in the NICU, which lasted 4.5 months, Danielle enlisted the help of facility dogs, music therapy and more to aid in care and bring comfort to families.

I am so grateful to have been selected as a recipient of this year’s Pure Foundation Fund award,” commented Danielle. “I’m committing to supporting the psychosocial needs of perinatal patients and families throughout challenging healthcare journeys. I look forward to using the funds from this award directly towards continuing the advancement of child life services, supporting developmental goals, reducing stress and normalizing the hospitalization of antepartum and NICU patients as well as their families in my community.

Danielle Mollung

Danielle Mollung, showing her plaque after winning Pure Foundation Fund 2023

Sebastian is a pediatric nurse at Miami Mount Sinai Medical Center and was nominated by a former patient, Lindsay Baxt, for his exceptional compassion for patients, joyful attitude, and acute ability to understand the emotional needs of patients and support them through the ups and downs of a NICU stay. After Lindsay delivered her daughter at 25 weeks and had a 98-day stay in the NICU, Sebastian was a force of positive encouragement for Lindsay and her family, and he curated a special environment for the long-awaited first moment when Lindsay could finally hold her baby. He is known for going above and beyond to create special moments for families to bond with their babies.

I feel honored to be a recipient of this award and am so touched that Lindsay thought of me,” commented Sebastian. “The work my fellow healthcare professionals and I do can be hard, but it’s so worth it to make a difference for our patients. I am excited to use the funds from this award to continue providing outstanding care at Miami Mount Sinai Medical Center

Sebastian Ospina

Sebastian Ospina

WaterWipes® received more than 500 nominations for this year’s Pure Foundation Fund Award. The winners were ultimately selected by a panel including WaterWipes® and our partners at Project Sweet Peas and Canadian Premature Babies Foundation.

Recognizing the Great Protectors

The pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey can be emotional and stressful for patients and parents. The work of healthcare professionals including midwives, doctors, nurses, surgeons, anaesthetists, obstetricians, neonatal professionals, and health visitors, is one of great care and support. WaterWipes® is proud to recognize the work and efforts of these heroes. The Pure Foundation Fund allows parents, patients, and colleagues to honor the great protectors involved in this journey.

“Healthcare professionals are critical in supporting new parents through their pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey. At WaterWipes®, we are so proud to honor the achievements of healthcare providers in local communities that are going above and beyond to provide a safe and supportive environment for the families and babies they care for. Thank you to all the healthcare professionals who work tirelessly to ensure the highest quality care for their patients.” - Lindsay Martin, Vice President of WaterWipes® Americas.

WaterWipes® would like to congratulate Danielle Mollung and Sebastian Ospina and thank all those who nominated a great protector.

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